Hearing Screenings

What to Expect when you have Your Hearing Screening

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We begin all tests as a hearing screening which consists of what is referred to as an air-bone test. An air-bone test is an audiological assessment consisting of pure tone thresholds.

 Pure tone thresholds are the softest levels you can hear various tones using headphones or insert earphones. Then we will perform another set of pure tone thresholds using a bone occilator and sometimes using calculated levels of masking noise in the opposite ear when necessary.

If we find there is a hearing loss, we will then proceed forth to ascertain whether the patient is a candidate for hearing aids by performing speech recognition thresholds or SRT scores. Speech recognition thresholds are the softest levels you can understand easy words. Then we will perform word recognition scores. Word recognition scores the highest percentage of phonetically balanced words you can understand at a comfortable listening level or MCL scores.  

 At this point we will be able to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for hearing aids and if so we will perform what are referred to as a loudness comfort/discomfort levels or UCL testing.
 Depending on the results of our testing and your medical history, there are times when we may feel it necessary to refer you to an Otolaryngologist (Ears, Nose and Throat doctor) to determine if a medical or surgical treatment may improve or correct your hearing.  
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